Australian Embassy
Also accredited to Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama

Direct Aid Program (DAP)

DAP- Direct Aid Program


The Direct Aid Program (DAP) is part of the Australian Government's global social development assistance program. The DAP was established to provide Australian Government diplomatic missions around the world with a flexible funding assistance mechanism for sustainable development activities.

The DAP is a flexible small grants programme that supports projects with a strong development focus. DAP projects must primarily promote practical and tangible development results with direct and immediate impacts and should publicly highlight the results of their work.


What is the process for obtaining DAP funding?

Applicants will have to fill out an Expression of Interest form on the Smarty Grants platform which will ask for general details about their project including objectives, location, themes, and costs. Shortlisted organisations will be notified through the platform and official channels and will move on to a second phase in which they will have to fill in a more extensive and detailed application through the same platform. At this stage it will not be possible to give feedback to the projects.

For both forms, the information, budget, and proposed activities must be clearly defined and the results or objectives to be achieved must be duly detailed.

For the second phase it is important that the organisation submits the requested documents, including:

  • Quotations of the components to be financed with DAP funds expressed in their budget
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • The organisation's articles of incorporation and legal document proving legal representation,
  • Child protection policies in case the project involves work with children and adolescent
  • Plans in case there is construction work

Quotations and letters of recommendation should be current and have names of suppliers, as well as telephone numbers and email addresses.


DAP round 2023-2024

The 2023-2024 call for proposals for Mexico, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama is now closed.

We thank all applicants for their efforts and for the quality of the proposals submitted.


The Smarty Grants numbers of successful proposals are: 



















For more information, including new calls in the coming years, you can stay up to date through our official communication channels, including this website, Facebook, or Twitter (@AuEmbMex).


Program guidelines


Who can apply?

Projects must be submitted to the Australian Embassy in Mexico by Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), cooperatives, civil associations, academic and research institutions committed to the development of Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, and which are formally constituted as such in the country concerned. DAP does not provide funding to individuals or governments.


What types of projects can be funded?

The DAP committee will consider projects that adhere to the areas of interest specified below:

  • Gender equality
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Environment and sustainability
  • Human rights


Projects can have a more specific focus as long as the primary focus is one of the previously mentioned sectors. For example, a project covering gender equality could focus on direct humanitarian aid, gender-based violence, education, or capacity building, LGBTIQ rights, or disappearances, among others.

All projects should have a strong and clear gender focus.

Projects must promote the self-sufficiency and economic development of the beneficiary communities. Proposals will be evaluated on their merits and their adherence to the overall objectives of the DAP. The DAP committee will consider projects that meet the specified areas of interest. Projects should normally be carried out and completed within a period of not more than one year after the release of the approved funds. Projects must be completed within a period of no more than one year after the delivery of the approved funds.


What are the funding amounts?

Funding amounts per project will generally be AUD5,000 up to a maximum of AUD20,000. The DAP Committee may on occasion decide to provide funding of a higher amount.


What is NOT eligible for funding through the program?

Salaries, grants or micro-credit schemes or projects that involve repayment; commercial enterprises; major asset purchases such as vehicles; trips to Australia or overseas; sponsorship of major sporting tournaments or cultural events that do not have a clear developmental benefit; routine and recurrent running costs and administrative expenses such as office and utility rent, spare parts and routine maintenance; direct assistance to governments.


The committee will assess the security context at project implementation sites and consider the necessary measures in case the project is visited by embassy staff.


Special cases: Cuba and Nicaragua

Due to economic restrictions in these countries and legislation that directly impacts organisations, the Embassy will only be able to fund projects whose organisation is legally registered outside of these countries and can receive funds to a bank account in the same way. Projects that benefit people of these nationalities and that are based in another country, preferably in the region where the Embassy is accredited, will also be accepted.


For more frequently asked questions, please download this document:

FAQs DAP 2023-2024


If you have any questions that are not addressed in these documents, please send an e-mail to: [email protected]  


Our current partners


During the 2022-2023 financial year, the Australian Embassy funded 16 projects across the region, listed below:


Humanitarian response to assist people affected  by Hurricane Julia

Acción contra el Hambre


Educational program to promote the prevention of violence in public secondary schools in Benito Juárez.

Centro Integral de Atención a las Mujeres CIAM Cancún A.C.


Lenca women from Intibucá promoting the change of socio-cultural patterns based on sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Asociación de Organismos No Gubernamentales (ASONOG)


Strengthening community health associations for the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases in indigenous populations in Guatemala.

International Hands in Service (Salud y Paz)

Nicaragua (Panama)

Integration of migrant children through sport in Panama

Movimiento Social y Cultural Nueva Generación

Costa Rica

Be All You Can Be: STEAM training modules for girls.

Fundación Fundavida

El Salvador

Creation of a network made up of women trained in agroecology that articulates with local governments and other relevant public institutions.



It Gets Better Panama: Reduce the incidence of suicide among the LGBTQI+ community through a positive storytelling campaign in which community members tell their stories.

Fundación Iguales (It Gets Better Panama)


Research and training on the impact on the right to health of victims of the crime of disappearance, mainly women searchers.

I(DH)EAS, Litigio Estratégico en Derechos Humanos A.C.


Youth First: Strengthening youth innovation in Chiapas, Mexico. Training program for young people to develop their own innovation project.

Peace First (Peace Games Inc.)


Strengthening of domestic workers' organisations for the joint creation of strategies to improve their working and socio-economic conditions.

Instituto de Liderazgo Simone de Beauvoir


Humanitarian and comprehensive support to migrants and applicants for international protection in Tapachula, Chiapas.

Padre José Marchetti A.C./Scalabrinianas Misión con Migrantes y Refugiados-SMR


Promote economic development in two municipalities in the north of the State of Puebla to reduce crime and increase tourism through mural painting and social economy.

La Rueda Promotora Cultural A.C.


Implementation of the Healthy Municipalities, Communities and Cities Movement program in Sancti Spiritus to promote health prevention.

Panamerican Health Organisation (PAHO)

Dominican Republic

Promotion of sustainable local development using renewable sources. Support for the construction of a micro hydroelectric plant for the benefit of the community.

Guakia Ambiente A.C.


Training program for young women sports journalists in the context of the Women's World Cup 2023.

Versus Periodismo Deportivo A.C.